Friday, May 2, 2014

Target Extra Credit UKC 100

1) When i visited Target i was wondering what artifact can i find to take a picture of, the first that really stood out for me are the books. I didn't Target was selling books too, they all kinds of books starting from history and ending in healthy human lifestyle. For the consumerism part Target did a great job by just selling books because it will just bring them more money, also for the idea that people don't always have to go to the bookstore to buy a book they may find the same book in Target for cheaper price. As for design features, as you can see the books i am standing next are all for women so they are mainly for women but they did have books for guys too.
2) Target had some UK gear as well and surprising this is how much they only had. UK blue is everywhere and Target i think does a good job by advertising new UK gear that's not really expensive at all. For consumerism, since this city is know because of our school and basketball team Target sells the t-shirts because they represent our whole city. As for design, like i talked previously the color of blue represents our city and the picture below has mostly blue in it. The t-shirts are designed to look the same and what i mean by that is the UK logo is always on the front.
3) I was surprised when i learned that target is selling cellphones like iPhone and giving our careers. The iPhone is an Apple made product so for to be sold at the Target shows how big the store Target has become not only clothing wise but electronically. Right now every second person in this world has an iPhone they say and for to be sold at a store like Target shows that anybody can get an iPhone these days you just have to work for it and that was the consumerism part. As for design, iPhone design to be easy to use and easy to carry around, simplicity is beautiful.
 4) I decided to take a picture of a Target had cart because it tells a lot about the store it self. The hand cart is red because the Target color is red and it represents many other things to it. The logo of Target in front of the hand cart represents that this thing belongs to this store. The hand carts are designed for people that aren't going to buy whole lot of stuff when they visit the store, so it can be use for quick shopping. For consumerism this hand carts of Target have contributed a lot to their economy because they made the process of shopping faster and safer. As for design the hand cart is designed to be light and easy to carry with a handle.
5) Lastly i took a picture of some headphones, they are not regular they are all made by the company called beats by dr. drey. As you can see those headphones are not very usual and you cant find them at any store. But when i sow these at Target i was surprised because those beats cost a lot and for a store like Target to be selling them makes me want to do all my shopping there. For consumerism these headphones have a big name, the rapper Dr. Drey is the one who came up with them and every young adult in this society wants one of those because of their name. As for design those headphones are designed to prevent the outside noise get mixed with the music. 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Autobiography through design ukc 100

this is the link to the video i did for this project

Monday, April 14, 2014

Summary as in Social Media 4/14/14 Presentations.

Today's presentations were mostly about cars and it was really interesting to learn how there are many car brands that are unknown. Cars are a big thing that is represented in social  media, for example when we watch Superbowl ever year the commercials are sponsored most of the time by car companies like Infinity and Volkswagen. In today's presentations most of the cars were not well know but they had their name up there in the commercials and i think that they are represented a lot in the social media like in the picture above. Twitter arguably is the most used social site by people and the private corporations and the owners most of the time advertise their cars through social media because that's the place people visit the most and put updates.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Summary of the Presentations on 4/11/14

Most of the presentations were mainly about stadiums and sports organizations. There is not a word that will describe all of them but the closest ones would be building and sport arenas/stadiums. There were couple of baseball stadiums which had a lot of information about them, the structure and how it was build. Some professional baseball stadiums and college softball park of women's UK team. The arenas were very interesting specially the Rupp Arena, the presenter had a lot of information that i did not know about our arena and it was overall an awesome video. The second arena was the Miami Heat's Arena the American Airlines Arena, i learned many things from that presentation as well which related to Rupp Arena and how almost all arenas have the same structure. Finally the Emirates Stadium of Arsenal located in England, as a soccer player i thought this was a really good presentation to inform the students of the soccer stadiums. Overall all of the presentations were very informative and made me learn knew stuff that i did not know before. The presenters that made a video were more entertaining and kept my interest alive. 

Sunday, April 6, 2014

UKC 100 Presentation Link

NCUR Experience Looking for Design Around You 4/5/14

Research Topic: Formulation and Long-Term Stability of Enzyme Layers for Bio-sensors
This two guys from Eastern Kentucky University are researching about Enzymes. It was not a big presentation but they explained me everything they were trying to find out about Human enzymes. Now somebody might wonder how enzymes are related or correlated with design, well this two guys took enzymes and put them in to three different atmospheres, one of them is room temperature, fridge, outside and any place with an unusual temperature. The way i connected the design ideas to this research topic is how the room can affect the changes on enzymes. If the room is very small and it's considered to be the regular room, the size of the room will eventually effect the results on enzymes and this is what the guy were looking for is how the different temperature and the size of a room will have the effect on human enzymes. As you can see the poster in the picture above has a big sign that says "chemistry" and their topic has a lot to do with chemistry which i related to the design ideas and how it will affect the results. I think that the size of the rooms will affect the results because not all the rooms are designed the same and they will have a significant effect of the enzymes. Overall it was a great learning process and meeting these two guys from the picture, it was awesome because they were very knowledgeable and i feel like they have a bright future ahead of them in this field. They told me that a company from Canada introduced them to this research topic and they are working for them.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Turkish Money Bill/ Defining Culture and Subculture

Since I am from Turkey i chose to do this assignment on the Turkish 200 Lira bill, Lira is just a name and the value of the money. So 200 Lira represents many things of Turkish culture, first in the picture is Kemal Ataturk who was a very successful army officer and in memory of him Turkish federation prints his picture on almost all of the money bills of Turkey. It represents the power and the will to remember the people that fought in the war to protect their nation. The bill it self also relates to the of flag of Turkey which has a star and mostly the red color with a white star. The bill can represent and relate to many things at the same time but the most important cultural idea that it represents is the idea of Turkish people being always together and most importantly the respect.

The counter culture or the subculture that 200 Lira bill represents is the market. The idea of how this bill can dominate the market of trade and stocks. It is know worldwide that Turkish Federation has a good background in the market industry and the deals with other nations. The counter culture idea that this bill represents of Turkey is being the nationality that cares about their past and present people, being from Turkey i know how this nation was represented in many occasions and one of the was is the money bills. Money goes from one hand to another and for to remain its respect Turkish Federation has put our flag colors and our great leader.