Friday, March 28, 2014

Turkish Money Bill/ Defining Culture and Subculture

Since I am from Turkey i chose to do this assignment on the Turkish 200 Lira bill, Lira is just a name and the value of the money. So 200 Lira represents many things of Turkish culture, first in the picture is Kemal Ataturk who was a very successful army officer and in memory of him Turkish federation prints his picture on almost all of the money bills of Turkey. It represents the power and the will to remember the people that fought in the war to protect their nation. The bill it self also relates to the of flag of Turkey which has a star and mostly the red color with a white star. The bill can represent and relate to many things at the same time but the most important cultural idea that it represents is the idea of Turkish people being always together and most importantly the respect.

The counter culture or the subculture that 200 Lira bill represents is the market. The idea of how this bill can dominate the market of trade and stocks. It is know worldwide that Turkish Federation has a good background in the market industry and the deals with other nations. The counter culture idea that this bill represents of Turkey is being the nationality that cares about their past and present people, being from Turkey i know how this nation was represented in many occasions and one of the was is the money bills. Money goes from one hand to another and for to remain its respect Turkish Federation has put our flag colors and our great leader.

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